Latest Scams
Watch out and be vigilant to the following fraud attacks.If encountered, report them to us immediately. Report them here
Latest Scams
Watch out and be vigilant to the following fraud attacks. If encountered, report them to us immediately. Report them hereWe can protect ourselves from any fraud attacks if we know their latest tricks.
Click any of the pictures below to familiarize yourself and to avoid falling for them.
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Security Bank Fraud Hotline
For Phishing Attempts
Fraud-related blogs
5 Simple Ways To Keep Your Bank Account Secure
Your bank account is your responsibility. It should be as important as your personal belongings such as keys, wallets, and mobile phone.
Don’t get Scammed! Here’s How to Avoid Online Scams in 2021
Nobody likes getting scammed, but not everyone knows how to identify or secure themselves from it.
How to Protect Yourself from Online Fraud
Phishing is a serious threat anyone should be wary of. If left unchecked, the repercussions could be catastrophic. The best protection against phishing–or…
How to Protect Your Credit Card from Hackers
Incidents of credit card fraud have consistently increased during the past years. In 2014 alone, the United States Federal Trade Commission recorded a total of…
3 Smart Reasons You Should Update Your Contact Info
Keeping your details updated means maximizing the services of the bank. Aside from having a reliable means of contacting you, the perks, benefits, and features…
10 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Debit Card Fraud
Would you give a thief direct access to your checking account or savings account? Unfortunately, you’re doing just…
Fraud Awareness for the Holiday Season
The yuletide cheer is the perfect cover for fraud–scams, phishing, and hackers that can ruin your finances and ready to pounce on any opening. Just imagine:…
4 Ways to Stop Hackers from Getting Your Data
Every registered voter in the Philippines is now vulnerable to fraud after a group of hackers leaked a large chunk of sensitive voter information to an online…