Cash Management and Trade Finance Online Application

Please be ready with the required documents that will be uploaded during the application.

For your convenience, you may now use electronic signature (Docusign) in signing the Cash Management & Trade Finance online application forms.

Click here for the List of Required Documents on the use of electronic signature..

Before continuing, please prepare your documents for upload if you are enrolling DigiBanker.
  • DTI Certificate of Registration
Before continuing, please prepare your documents for upload if you are enrolling DigiBanker.
  • Notarized Partnership Resolution
Before continuing, please prepare your documents for upload if you are enrolling DigiBanker.
  • Notarized Board Resolution
Hidden Fields

CMS Link Generator - To Be Hidden
Company Account Information
Note: You will receive your application form on the
email addresses you provided above.
Authorized Contact Person
Branch Account
Choose what feature what you need
(Click what applies to your business)
Modify your product
(Click your desired product)

Hidden Products
DigiBanker CASA Manager
Note: Client may request enabling of Fund Transfer Facility if and only if they have more than 2 or more accounts with same currency enrolled and Transfer of Funds within company-owned SBC accounts that are enrolled in DigiBanker.
By clicking SFTP, You may need to coordinate with company ITG for required details
SSS RealTime
Pag-IBIG RealTime
Philhealth RealTime
BIR eFPS RealTime
BOC Pas6 e-Payment
eMoney Solution Questionnaire
You are covered institution if company is registered as an Electronic Money Issuer, Remittance Agent, Money Service Business
Certification for Third Party Reliance for Covered Institutions
We, as a covered institution as defined under the Anti-Money Laundering Act and its Amendments, hereby certify as follows:
  1. We have a reliable and acceptable customer identification system and training program in place and; our employees or representatives establishing the true and full identity of the customer have undergone the training program.
  2. We have conducted the requisite identification requirements in accordance with the Updated Anti-Money Laundering Rules and Regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, and our own Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Program (MLPP), and in consonance with our Standard KYC Procedures Manual, including face-to-face contact requirement, to establish the existence of the ultimate customers, and we have in our custody, all the minimum information and/or documents required to be obtained from the customers.
  3. We shall gather all the necessary information from an individual including (but not limited to): 1) Name; 2) Present Address; 3) Date and Place of Birth; 4) Nature of Work, Name of Employer or Nature of Self-Employment/Business; 5) Contact Details; 6) Specimen Signature; 7) Source of Funds; 8) Permanent Address; 9) Nationality; 10) Tax Identification Number, Social Security System Number or Government Service Insurance Number if any; and 11) Name, Present Address, Date, and Place of Birth, Nature of Work and Source of Funds of Beneficial Owner or Beneficiary, whenever applicable.
  4. As necessary and upon request, we shall provide Security Bank Corporation without delay with identification documents concerning the customers. It is understood that we will keep confidential the customer identification data provided by us to you.
  5. In cases where the customer is assessed as high risk, we shall conduct its separate enhanced due diligence procedure.
Bundled Third Party Transfers - Funding Account
Account Number to be used to fund transactions
Please provide Php account
AutoCredit Payment Manager
Account number to be used to fund transactions
Please provide Php account
AutoCredit Payment Manager
Remittance Manager
Account number to be used to fund transactions
Check Payment Manager

Maximum Amount per transaction
Max transfer amount of the company per day
Should there be multiple purpose, kindly click this link to download the form. 
Once accomplished, kindly submit together with the other documents required.
Maximum Amount per transaction
Max transfer amount of the company per day
Should there be multiple purpose, kindly click this link to download the form. 
Once accomplished, kindly submit together with the other documents required.
Max transfer amount of the company per day
Max transfer amount of the company per day
InstaPay Email/SMS Notification
Email/SMS Notification
Notification Enrollment for Sender
Authorized Contact Person
Notification Enrollment for Recipient - I want my Recipient to be notified for all successful transactions.
Max transfer amount of the company per day
eGive Cash
Utility E-Payment: Payor
  1. Please indicate your correct Subscriber ID Number (SIN). This is your account/subscriber number with the merchant found on your Bill:
    You may check these examples by clicking the link.

  2. Manila Water Bill Sample
    Meralco/Mpower Bill Sample
    PLDT Bill Sample
    • Meralco/Mpower: 10-digit Meralco Account Number / 12-Digit Service ID No.
    • Manila Water Corp: 10-Digit Contract Account No.
    • PLDT: 10-Digit Account Number
    • Subic Enerzone: 11-Digit Customer Account No./Reference No.
    • Boheco I: 10-Digit Account Number
  3. Ensure that you have no outstanding balances and your account is up-to-date with the merchant prior to application.
  4. SBC will submit your Subscriber ID Number (SIN) to merchant for pre-validation. Merchant requires this step to ensure your account is eligible for enrollment.
  5. After validation, only eligible SINs will be enrolled. SBC shall advise you of ineligible SINs and reasons.
  6. Once enrolled, please continue to pay your utility bills directly to the merchant until you receive a notification from the UEP System.
  7. What type of accounts are ineligible? Here are a few examples of ineligible accounts.
    • PLDT - Retail/personal accounts tagged by PLDT
    • Meralco/Mpower - Accounts with outstanding balances, accounts enrolled in ADA/Auto-Charge with Other banks, canceled/terminated accounts
Turn Around Time is maximum 10 banking days - 3-5 days for Validation and maximum 5 days for Enrollment
Account Number to be used to fund transactions
RealTime Electronic Payment System-Payor
Account Number to be used to fund transactions
Billing Invoice Presentment & Payment -Payor
Account Number to be used to fund transactions
Refer to your merchant for your assigned product code
Corresponding checkbook with voucher for each
account should be requisitioned from the Branch
System will prompt the user to replenish/reorder checks
once inventory reorder level has been reached.
Same signature/s will appear on the checks regardless of who approved the transaction online.
digital signature that will be printed on the check is based on the approval limits assigned to the signatories, which is defined in the Digital Signature rule setup in CWS
Authorized Signatory/ies will sign manually on the check (Wet Signature)Note: Transaction approval matrix is not tied to the digital signature setup. The digital signature will be set up separately by the Company's System Administrator.
digital signature of who approved the transaction based on the defined transaction approval matrix in Company's Board Reso will be printed on the check
Click this link to download the Secretary Certificate Check Write System template.
Click this link to download the Partnership Resolution Check Write System template.
eMoney Supporting Documents
Please ensure the attachment has a maximum size of 10 MB only. Preferably in PDF format.
Click this link to download the Electronic Money Issuer template.
     Click this link to download the Wolfsberg questionnaire template.
Click this link to download the AML/CTF Compliance Questionnaire template.
 Autodebit Collection Manager - Merchant
Account Number where collections will be deposited
Merchant can have single or multiple product name/code
PDC Manager
Account Number where collections will be deposited
PDC Outsourced
Account Number where collections will be deposited
Pick-up Schedule and Site Address
Bills Payment
Account Number where collections will be deposited
Utility e-Payment - Merchant
Account Number where collections will be deposited
What type of collections will you have for
RealTime Electronic Payment System - Merchant
Account Number where collections will be deposited
What type of collections will you have for
Billing Invoice Presentment & Payment System - Merchant
Account Number where collections will be deposited
What type of collections will you have for
Cash Collect
Account Number where collections will be deposited
Note: If there will be 4 or more sites that will be serviced for Cash Collect, fill out the required site details of the Cash Collect Annex A and upload using the button below. Sites indicated will be subject for assessment if serviceable.
Download Cash Collect Annex A here. Cash Collect Annex A will serve as the final list of sites for implementation.
Check Collect
Account Number where collections will be deposited
Account Number where collections will be deposited
Site Address Details
Deposit Pick Up and Cash Delivery
Account Number where collections will be deposited
Deposit Pick Up
Cash Delivery
Note: If there will be 2 or more sites that will be serviced for DPU or Cash Delivery, fill out the required site details of the DPU Annex A and upload using the button below. Sites indicated will be subject for assessment if serviceable.
Download DPU Annex A here. DPU Annex A will serve as the final list of sites for implementation.
Trade Finance

Supply Chain Finance

Cash Management System Questionnaire
DigiBanker System Administrator Maker
DigiBanker System Admin Maker: Creates, modifies and deletes front office users, and link account number to specific products/services.
DigiBanker System Administrator Checker
DigiBanker System Admin Checker: Approves, rejects, returns the request initiated by the system admin maker.
Checkwrite Questionaire
Checkwrite Administrator Maker
Checkwrite Administrator Maker: Creates, modifies and deletes from office users, and link account number to specific products/services.
Checkwrite Administrator Checker
Checkwrite System Administrator Checker: Approves, rejects, returns the request initiated by the system admin maker.
Trade Questionnaire
Trade System Administrator Maker
Trade System Administrator Checker
Trade User Profiles
Auto - Enrollment
This will allow you to sign up in DigiBanker transfer facilities: PESONet, InstaPay and AutoCredit Payment Manager. No minimum ADB required. Enjoy affordable fees per transaction to support your business:
  • P20 InstaPay
  • P15 PESONet
  • P5 Auto Credit Payment Manager

For non-individual accounts transacting via DigiBanker, all fees are WAIVED until further notice. However, clients with proprietary front-end system or those API-based clients are exempted from this promo.
Company Authorized Signatory 1 Information